Stories by the Fireside: A Pueblo Tradition
@ Online
12.12, 2020
Each Saturday in December, experience the age-old tradition of storytelling by the fireside. This year’s events will be free and virtual, featuring musical performances, storytelling, a winter solstice presentation and more! For more details, check this page and follow us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube
This week’s stories:
- Introduction by Ria Thundercloud, Sandia Pueblo and Ho-chunk, Education Assistant, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
- Coyote and the Three Bears, by Shannon Romero, Cochiti/Kewa Pueblo and Navajo
- Crossing the Zuni River by Christy Chapman, Zuni Pueblo
- The Occupied Mother , by Christy Chapman, Zuni Pueblo
- Lessons from the Indigenous Wisdom Curriculum: The Awe Inspiring Cosmos by Trisha Moquino Cochiti/Kewa Pueblo
- Download the accompanying lesson plan to this presentation from the Indigenous Wisdom Curriculum
- Thank you by Ria Thundercloud, Sandia Pueblo and Ho-chunk, Education Assistant, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center