Counter Narrative: RadioActive, The Nuclear Boom
05:00 pm - 06:00 pm MDT
The Counter Narrative is a safe space to unbox and discuss trending, difficult, misunderstood, and often divisive topics.
Join the IPCC in this three-month long series. We will be unboxing Nuclear Science and History in New Mexico from the Pueblo Perspective. New Mexico has the highest natural reserve of Uranium and is the home to two leading National Laboratories. These two aspects have had positive and negative impacts on many lands and tribal community members across the state.
This is session two (of a three part series) in which we will unpack and discuss Nuclear Science and its impact on Native American Peoples and Land from a Pueblo perspective. This session will take a closer look at the conditions and effects of the mines and laboratories during the height of the nuclear era.
Panelist: Marian Naranjo (santa Clara)
Watch past sessions of the Counter Narrative here.

Petuuche Gilbert (Acoma) is a lifelong resident of Acoma Pueblo in New Mexico, USA. He worked over 30 years for the Acoma tribe and was a tribal councilman for ten years. He worked in the field of natural resources management which required knowledge of state and federal law and policy regarding Native American land rights. He is the president of Indigenous World Association, United Nations NGO. He worked with many others on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples over 20 years. He is a member of the Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment (MASE) and the Acoma and Laguna Coalition for a Safe Environment (LACSE). Currently MASE an LACSE are involved in legacy uranium mines and mills clean up an in opposing nuclear waste storage in New Mexico.
“Ms. Naranjo is Founder and Director of Honor Our Pueblo Existence (HOPE), a community-based organization located at Santa Clara Pueblo, New Mexico, with attention focused on nuclear safety issues from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). She has been involved in environmental/Health issues of concern for 20+ years, as LANL is located within her pueblo’s ancestral homelands, a place that is Sacred to Pueblo People. She is a mother of four and grandmother of nine, and life time traditional potter. She comes from the well-known Naranjo family of Santa Clara potters.”