Stories by the Fireside: A Pueblo Tradition
@ Online
12.26, 2020
Each Saturday in December, experience the age-old tradition of storytelling by the fireside. This year’s events will be free and virtual, featuring musical performances, storytelling, a winter solstice presentation and more! For more details, check this page and follow us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube
This week’s stories will feature:
- “Shumak’olo:wa an Denanne” (Dragonfly song) & “Don Kettsanishshi A:deya du” (Zuni Christmas song sung to the tune of “We wish you a Merry Christmas”) by APS – Indian Education – Elementary Zuni Language Class (Ms. Mila Padilla)
- “How the Rabbit and the Eagle Stole the Sun and Moon” by APS – Indian Education – High School Zuni Language Class
- “Winter Stories” by APS – Indian Education Dept. Native American High School Leardership Group Mr. Williams CEC-Teacher
- “Pueblo Cane Story” by Laura Jagles, Tesuque Pueblo (Indigenous Wisdom Curriculum Writer/Native Language Teacher
- New Year’s Blessing by Ron Shutiva, Acoma Pueblo